by Kelli Donley | Nov 17, 2021 | 2021, Correspondence, Get Fit
I have tennis elbow. For the first time in my adult life, I’m dealing with chronic pain in my elbow, wrist, and hand. Does anyone know of a professional who can help with hand and wrist pain??? It has been bothering me for about two months. It started as a sore...
by Kelli Donley | Feb 28, 2012 | CAOK, Correspondence
I received a lovely new address stamp in the mail this week, thanks to the ever creative Trial By Cupcakes. Perfect timing for COAK. Love, love, love! I think this will be my standard new home gift. Guess who I get to buy one for first? That’s right — Adam...
by Kelli Donley | Dec 16, 2011 | Celebrate!, Colorado, Correspondence
Taking a bit of a break to head home to Phoenix for a few days with loved ones. Wishing you a blessed Christmas! xo, Kelli
by Kelli Donley | Apr 5, 2011 | Correspondence, Good to Great, Journal
noun: Space required for living, growth, and development. God bless the Germans for their command of language. Want romance? See French. Spiciness? Spanish. The language of literature — Shakespeare’s English. Poetry? Persian. But German? Like their cars,...
by Kelli Donley | Jun 2, 2010 | Correspondence, Domestic Art, Handmade goods, Tutorial
What to do with those handmade cards you buy at the local coffee shop? Or order from Paper Source? Or buy in bulk from Etsy? (Or perhaps my favorite new local shop: See SawDesigns. Hello, adorable letterpress creations!) How about a fabric correspondence envelope,...
by Kelli Donley | Jan 15, 2010 | Correspondence, Journal
The winner for the stationery is Becky Sue because she hit a cord with her pro-book stance: “I don’t know if this is considered “old-fashioned” but it certainly seems the tide is turning with all these new e-book thingys like the Kindle and the...