Mugabe + The White African

Do you have Netflix streaming? If so, can I bother you to watch this movie soon? I watched it this weekend after Matt hassled me for weeks. It is heartbreaking. For a thousand reasons, it makes me so very angry and disgusted with world politics, racism, power and the...


I’m thinking this pattern with a bamboo handle. Sweet, sweet moses these bags are going to rock. So, I’ve got a bit of a bone to pick with Maureen Dowd. Ms. Dowd, op/ed writer for The New York Times, gave considerable print this week to how scorned women...

Social Gardening

Admiring the perfection of nature last night while cooking… I was in a meeting this morning discussing the AmeriCorps Vista program — which puts incredibly community-minded folks in volunteer opportunities with nonprofits and other groups nationally...


So, pigs went flying by earlier*, and I ended up squealing. Seriously, America? You couldn’t have made me prouder today. The millions gathered peacefully? Incredible. The general sense of awe and patriotism? Fantastic. The honorable new family moving into that...

Prayer for Change

Dear President Mugabe, I know we haven’t seen eye to eye in the past. I can’t understand how you are still in power, how you’ve ruled Zimbabwe my entire life. I don’t know why your country, once called the breadbasket of Africa, has such a...


Whole wheat tortilla, black beans, spinach, tomatoes, Colleen’s spicy tomato chutney, and quinoa — health wrapped in happiness. This is the dinner I ate the night I voted for America’s first African-American President. I know one day I’m going...