loving these

35th ave sew and vac

Fatty quarters

I’m thinking this pattern with a bamboo handle. Sweet, sweet moses these bags are going to rock.

So, I’ve got a bit of a bone to pick with Maureen Dowd. Ms. Dowd, op/ed writer for The New York Times, gave considerable print this week to how scorned women — harrigans — should behave in times of turmoil. Specifically, she focused her wrath on the Jenny Sanford, the wife in the middle of the Argentinan tan lined South Carolina governor scandal. Phew. That’s a spicy mouthful.

Here’s the deal — ladies, I’d be much happier if we stopped this. Stop giving each other advice on how you’d handle something so tender and raw. Stop beating each other up. Stop being judgmental and mean and remember that we are all in this together. I read that column and left with the sincere feeling that Ms. Dowd hasn’t ever been so vulnerable. Lucky her. Most of us have been through miserably heartbreaking pain that leaves you scratching your head wondering how in the world you’ll get dressed tomorrow. Without CNN on the front lawn to document each step.

I don’t know what I’d do if I was Jenny Sanford. But I do know that my opinion on the matter has changed since the Spitzer debacle. I am no longer so certain that life is black and white, simply wrong or right, up or down, etc. (Okay, I am still certain that Mr. Spitzer has a waspy wanker.)  There are somethings that fall in the gray that are ugly and horrible and private.

So, I’m not going to bash Maureen for her column because that would negate the point of all women being a part of this sisterhood. God knows, and oh, does He know, I am so far from perfect and have made so many mistakes in the past in talking trash about others. I am pretty sure I need to stop that right now. Instead, I’m really going to put effort into following the golden rule always, not just when I’m in front of the person.

What I would say to Maureen given the chance is:

“Look. Sometimes life sucks. Sometimes life hands you Pulitzers. Take a deep breath and refocus your efforts, words, energies on something that could perhaps make this world better. Teaching women how to handle themselves after adultery isn’t the best use of your talents.”

C’est tout. And it really is too bad I’ve decided to take the feminine high road this week because HELP ME RHONDA Sarah Pallin just quit. Wow.
