Perfect Ride

Call me a sucker, but lookie what I just bought: May I present, Ms. Olive Oil. Aptly named because she is a mean, green, healthy machine. We’ll just call her Olive for short. Holy guacamole! Isn’t she lovely? Granted, she’s not a Townie and I’m...

Just Call Me Carmen

I’ve been dreaming of buying a new bike. I gave Esme away because the fit wasn’t right and after spending weeks of my life on Ruby, I wasn’t willing to ride with a cramped bike. Riding Ruby to work isn’t practical for a dozen reasons, namely...


But what if I should discover that the enemy himself is within me, that I myself am the enemy that must be loved – what then? –Carl Gustav Jung, 1875 – 1961 A friend emailed me this quote today and it fits perfectly with my current state of mind. My...