Smiley American breakfast

European Breakfast

My breakfast vs. Shelley’s. Are you kidding me? A day in Yellowstone and all you are having an English muffin? Bring on the carbs. And the eggs. And the smiley. (Jess ate the pork.)

Roosevelt Gate

My blog's new motto

Or jellystone

Shell and me, hanging

The Roosevelt Gate at the entry of the park. A sign of the great things to come during the day, including many a “nature” sighting.

Lady elk





Bubbling geysers!


Is it wrong this makes me want a burger?

Hello cute baby buffalo!


Mama and baby buffalo

And even better, baby buffalo!

Peeps waiting for Old Faithful

Every 90 minutes

Come on already

Little bit o' steam

Bubbling up


Working the geyser

Old Faithful

Girls at Old Faithful

Look ma!

Look, Mom! Old Faithful. It was actually much quieter than you’d expect, especially considering how many people sat on bleachers waiting for this gurgling geyser to do its thing.


Truly the highlight of the day — a wolf! Amazing. We later saw a coyote, but this sighting was truly majestic.




We ended our adventures at the Chico Hot Springs, soaking with margaritas in hand. I am thoroughly catching up on some much needed rest and am more relaxed at the moment than I’ve been in months. Thank heavens for this fantastic vacation. Tomorrow we’ve got our eyes set on the Lamar Valley where according to a local lead, “Bears roam on the side of the road.” We’ll see.

Later gators

Off to enjoy the Montana nightlife — dinner, gin and tonics, a jacket and a set of swings over looking the river on a starry night.
