One Community is a monthly photo project in which participants photograph their homes and communities with a theme in mind. The theme varies by month. The goal is to both showcase similarities and differences in our communities worldwide – and bring us all closer together in understanding through art.

Each month, one of the hosts picks four words for us to interpret through photographs of what we see around us in our daily lives. Starting this month, we’re opening this project up to anyone who would like to participate!  We would love to have you join us! The link-up will begin on October 5th and stay open for one week.

The Rules:  Post one or more photos interpreting the words for the month, and add your blog post to the link-up.  Please include a link back to the link-up post on your One Community post, and take a look at some of the other links and comment on them.  This link-up is all about buildingcommunity!

Kara from Sunshine Cupcakes chose the words for October. They are: Plant(s), Bake, Orange and Activity


Stary Aloe

I am in love with succulents right now, to the crazy point of joining several succulent-related Pinterest boards. This planter could work just about anywhere. (I’m thinking patio wall edges.) And how about this planter’s stand? Lovely!


One Community: October

It is still too warm in Phoenix to be baking much, but baked casseroles for dinner count. Right? This is the standard Donley family green chile chicken enchiladas. Delicious, but way better day 2.


One Community: October

It is the time for pumpkins. So glad these made the cross-country moves without being harmed!


One Community: October

We went to a Coyotes game this week — the first of the season. We were treated not only to freezing cold temperatures, but also a hat trick. It was so fun!
