— Nico isn’t mine. He is adorable though, isn’t he? I love taking photos of dogs and dream of the day when I have one of my own. My current home (tiny) and schedule (stupidly busy, minus all that sleeping) isn’t keen to good dog ownership at the moment. Fingers crossed these will change in 2008. When I make the great leap into doggielandia, it is more likely to be this variety from this lovely locale. If you want to see a super sweet pooch, I’m in love with Ted from afar.
— In Stitches winners, a new project and more fabulous domestic surprises to be posted Monday! Sorry for the delay. Holidays, travel, etc. Someone was out gallivanting in Italy and needless to say, it wasn’t me. Like how I passed the buck on that one? Hee hee.
Stay tuned. Same batty time. Same batty channel.