Great friends hold you to your values and dreams. They do not let you give up.

Southern California

Meg and I have been friends since high school, when others on swim team mistook us for sisters. Close enough. Her parents lovingly refer to me as their other daughter. Her children refer to me as “Auntie Telly” and her husband goes out of his way to share music, and be patient with my fairly frequent appearances.

Meg is many things, but most of all — she is my consumate cheerleader. This week, she helped arrange a quick get-away for a few hours of beach bliss. A long, windy drive past fields of strawberries, groves of lemons, and pastures of horses to find baskets of fish and chips, sea lions, pelicans, pebbles worn smooth by the endless tide, sandy toes, moss, palm trees swaying in a thick foggy breeze, and my sails refilled.

Southern California

Southern California

Southern California

Southern California

Southern California

Southern California

There are few places I feel as at peace as I do on the beach. Or in the homes of such good friends.
