To be fried!

I am very happy to be home. I love adventuring, but what sweet satisfaction there is to clean pajamas and your own pillow after a long day of travel. I was even happier to be greeted at the front door by vines full of red, ripe tomatoes. The garden has accepted the recent spike in heat by bursting with watermelon sprouts, sunflowers arching toward the sky and basil shimmering with new leaves. We’ll see how long the garden, along with my refreshed spirit, stay lively instead of shrinking into a heat-induced stupor.

In lieu of my annual summer trip to Africa or South America, I’m digging in around here — staying focused with local work and the community garden. To keep my creativity happily fed, I’m considering these:

This dress, perhaps in this fabric


– Gorgeous, handmade felt dolls with embroidery
