Driving through the desert

Driving through the desert

Driving through the desert

Driving through the desert

Picture 010Driving through the desert

Oh, how it rained on the drive home yesterday. It was so beautiful and refreshing! I left Wyoming at 4 am, bundled in a sweatshirt with 62 degree weather, hit Utah by lunch with 80 degree temperatures and then entered Arizona late-afternoon to rain and a cool breeze. By the time I made it home some 16 hours later, it was pouring and 72!  Can you imagine?

I feel a little like Phoenix missed me as much as I missed her. She put on her cutest dress, shaved her legs and went all out to welcome me home. If that weren’t enough, today is rainy and cool too; this couldn’t be better to adjust back to the working world after such a fantastically relaxing vacation.

Now, back to work. Three months from today I turn 30, and frankly, I’ve got a lot to accomplish between now and then. Just 90 days and this is going to be fun…
