{Entry 5: A week of love. Because my headstone will never read, “We Had No Idea How She Felt.”}


I love sports. I’ve always have, but more so as an adult. I love entering these small community races to remind myself to simply show the best of me. It reminds my over-competitve Type A self to chill out and enjoy life, no matter what place you finish.

Today’s Skirt Chaser in Tempe was 5,000 20-30 somethings dressed in drag, skirts, short shorts and everything in between. Girls got a three minute head start. I wore a running skirt, giant earrings and lip gloss. The boys caught me soon enough. The celebration (and entry fee) afterward included burritos and beer.

Spending time with friends outside, running around, being silly is just about as great as life gets.
