
You know that pair of pants that haven’t fit for a while, but you can’t bring yourself to throw them away? They are your skinny pants, the ones you’ve been thinking about getting back into, and on some over-confident days, you pull them out of the closet and consider wrangling them up over your hips?
On super confident days, you pull them on, suck in your gut and measure your improvement in the dietary department. Well, today I have a pair of those pants on. They don’t fit perfectly and are a bit tight in the thigh region, but they fit around my waist and by golly, I’m pleased.
Chalk one up to all that darn tri training! Yippee. Training is going very well, I am happy to report. No recent bike crashes, and I managed to change a flat last night all by myself. This is a huge accomplishment because my instinct in the past has been to throw the suspect wheel in the trunk and drive to the local bike shop for a $14 fix. The tube only costs $3, so it is much smarter financially (not to mention the fact I’ll have to change it on my own should something happen during the race) to suck it up and do the chore myself. Thankfully this weekend my friend JT walked me through changing tires. The timing was perfect.
I’ve got two more weeks of hard training, plus a lengthy ride this weekend, and then a week of rest before the big race. I was talking to my mom this morning about the pleasure of surprising yourself with newfound strength. I’m no dummy — I figured I’d get stronger through all the biking, swimming, running, weights, pilates, blah blah blah. Yet all the same, one day recently I woke up and realized — dude! I’m in shape. I can do this. I’m consistently cycling 60-plus miles, running 20-plus miles and swimming 3-plus miles every week. Thursdays are my brick workouts — where these all get stacked. I figured out over breakfast and essentially I finished a sprint triathlon this morning before the sun came up. Yep, I’m officially wacky.
I am going to rock 70.3 miles. I can’t wait.
Thank you for all the sweet emails and cheering you’ve done along the way. This is going to be a ton of fun and I can’t wait to pick out the next race (and potentially, and upgraded bike. Don’t tell Ruby. The moody bitch will more than likely pitch me again if she finds out.)

Later gators!