Taxi tote #4

Taxi tote #4

Trying to model the tote

Wrapped, ready for delivery

The final Taxi Tote completed and ready to be sent off to its recipient. Yahoo! I am glad I pushed myself to learn how to sew bias tape. And I’m thankful for your patience in reading about this silly theme for nearly a month. I think improving in sewing, like many other hobbies, is truly just a matter of patience. The more you are willing to give, the better the result.

Patience is one of those characteristics that doesn’t come easy to me. My mother? She regularly detangles my jewlery box and can sit, binding a quilt by hand, for hours in sheer happiness. My father? Yes, well. Let’s just say I have his passionate Irish temper. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen him angry, but it hasn’t been pretty. I’m not terribly attractive when I lose my patience either. As for the headline, one of the easiest ways to piss me off is to honk at me in traffic. I’m not a great driver, but I am also not in your way.

So there!

Happy Friday peeps!
