So, I made lemonade out of lemons and managed to accomplish a ridiculous amount of tasks without my sewing machine to keep me company. Also, after several generous offers for loaned machines (thanks, friends!), I’m picking up a loaner tonight. In the meantime…

2-7-09: Front Veggie Garden Planted

Remember this little plot I cleared and bordered last weekend?

2-7-09: Front Veggie Garden Planted 2-7-09: Front Veggie Garden Planted

I stopped by Starbucks to pick up some warm grounds,

2-7-09: Front Veggie Garden Planted

Pulled out my basic tools,

2-7-09: Front Veggie Garden Planted

Swung through the local nursery,

2-7-09: Front Veggie Garden Planted

And voila! Five tomato plants, three pepper plants and a dash of marigolds to keep away the bugs.

2-7-09: Front Veggie Garden Planted

2-7-09: Front Veggie Garden Planted

2-7-09: Front Veggie Garden Planted

2-7-09: Front Veggie Garden Planted

2-7-09: Front Veggie Garden Planted

2-7-09: Front Veggie Garden Planted

Can you see the cute little copper signs in front of the plants? They were a birthday gift from my friend Elaina. With a bit of grease pencil calligraphy, they are currently labeling this sweet little plot.

It rained this morning as though Mother Nature was welcoming these new babies with open arms. If they are smart, they’ll soak up as much of the moisture and pleasant weather as they can. This plot is such a small accomplishment, and yet I’ve been talking, wishing and hoping for a vegetable garden for so long. I am certainly happy I finally got off my booty and made it happen.

Grow little plants, grow!
