by Kelli Donley | Apr 15, 2022 | Media, Novel, Writing
Desert Divide is live and out in the world! What a great week it has been. The book was published Monday. Since, I’ve confirmed one book signing in August, have several others in a pending-phase, and have a new paid writing opportunity coming my way. It’s...
by Kelli Donley | May 26, 2018 | Arizona, Writing
This week has been a whirlwind. On Tuesday, we hosted the neighborhood bookclub. This likely doesn’t sound like much, but it took a considerable effort to have 20 people over for dinner after a work day. That said, everyone sat shoulder to shoulder in our...
by Kelli Donley | Mar 21, 2018 | Writing
“Counting Coup” launched this weekend, with a handful of friends gathered at Dobson Ranch Library in Mesa. My brother and his longtime girlfriend Jessica came from Colorado, too. A girlfriend came to play assistant, running book sales outside and taking...
by Kelli Donley | Feb 13, 2018 | Novel, Writing
At 11:30 am, Saturday, March 17th at Dobson Ranch Library in Mesa, “Counting Coup” will be out in the world. Dobson Ranch Library is my childhood library. I spent most of my elementary school summers on the bean bags, collecting stickers from the summer...
by Kelli Donley | Aug 23, 2017 | Media, Novel, Writer School, Writing
There is a part to writing novels that never gets easier: the critique. On Sunday, I sat with a group of trusted friends and listened to their thoughts on the first draft of my latest novel, “Counting Coup.” For nearly two hours, they discussed the...
by Kelli Donley | Aug 10, 2017 | Novel, Writing
When I signed my first publishing contract with Asymmetrical last year, I was overjoyed that it included not only the contract for “Basket Baby,” but for first rights to my next three books, too. I had a unicorn in sight: a small press interested in a...