What Had Happened Was…

I’m dedicating the next week’s worth of posts to my new favorite state in the union: Indiana. That’s right, Indiana. Home of the Hoosers, the Butler Bulldogs and the best book club I know. Have you ever been? If so, you know Indianapolis is a...

On Writing: Practice

Phew. What a crazy couple of weeks it has been around the Heirloom Homestead. I’ve finished a class on narrative at Lighthouse and have been working steadily on novel #2. I’m in the middle of chapter 14 — what I’d guess is half-way through...


{I am stealing this blog post title from my friend Elizabeth (Mini). If you aren’t reading her blog, you should. It is some of the funniest writing on the web.} Last night I met friends in LoHi — oh Denver, with your bizarre naming of neighborhoods —...

On Writing: Workshop

I am taking a writing class focused on narrative. The class has 10 women and an instructor. We get together for a couple hours a week to discuss writing technique and to review each other’s work. This process of “workshopping” my writing is entirely...

Straight Talk Mary

 I’ve been haunted by insomnia lately. This happens about once a year. I’ll go 3-4 weeks without a good night’s sleep, waking around 2 am for 2-3 hours at a stretch. Some nights I just lie there, rolling the day around in my head, like a bowling ball...

Word Craft

The other day in yoga, the instructor stopped the class to emphasize we were “practicing.” Yoga is a practice. Not a routine, or a class. Or just an excuse to sweat with other people in public in really awkward positions. I’ve found writing is much...