
Someone has been licking his front legs raw. I’m suspecting this is an only child reaction to me going back to work, his dislike for the heat and his lack of a giant backyard. I’m sure Imelda Marcos had a hard time adjusting to prison flip flops too. A...


New collar day! After “naked Sunday,” of course. Or as our current 4-year-old roommate Emme says, “Nekkie Sunday! Collars off, Nelson, Dito and Smokey!”  

The Summer Cut

After a serious shave and loss of all those adorable curls, WNM is rocking the pink-belly summer shave. It was getting embarrassing. We’d go for the smallest walk and WNM would spend the next three hours working on his Oscar nominated performance for...

Couch Potato

Someone really likes his new couch: Especially when the air conditioning comes on. {That photo makes me laugh so hard. I love his little black button of a nose poking over the edge.} ~K


Today is Mr. Willie Nelson Mandela’s 4th birthday. Two years ago, we became a little family — and oh, how he has made my life happier. He is the best hiking partner, and nothing makes me laugh like scratching his tummy and seeing him pull back his tiny...