Bits of Christmas Joy

Hand sewn pillow cases, brought from a friend in west Africa. The stitching was perfect; I am so envious of this gift! Nativities — this one made of olive wood from Israel. Christmas guacamole and carnitas, because we could. Home sweet home, how I miss you! Tree...


My brother Cody was hiking in the Colorado Rockies this weekend when he came upon this bear: He took a handful of photos before it dawned on him that, “I might be one of those idiots who filled his camera with shots of the critter that had him for dinner.”...

A really weird couple of days

I am wrapping up life in Colorado and the last week in particular has been one odd, noteworthy social event after another. Take, for example, the dinner party I attended late last week. Each attendee was assigned a course — all of which had to include peanut...

Comfort Food

Snow returned to Golden this week; we woke up yesterday morning to inches stacked on the patio furniture, and two prissy dogs who did not want to have to go outside. Chilly weather and heavy foods pair so well. I am trying to use what we have in the pantry so it...

Adam Mack’s 30th

A house full of friends and family, boxes of beer stacked in the snow, a lot of roasted pig, shells, coleslaw, cornbread and homemade BBQ sauce, a roaring fire, and a couple hands of Cards Against Humanity — a good night for a great friend. Happy birthday, Adam...


Guess who is turning 30 this week? And, oh. Holy smokes have we been friends for a long time. It feels like we were just celebrating this birthday.  The shenanigans of this weekend will be properly documented. You’re welcome, Interwebs....