Baby Luggage

Baby luggage

How sweet is this little luggage? I found it at my favorite paper store and when Rebecca and Matt decided to go lime green with their nursery and theme for new babe on the way, I knew this would be a part of the loot. It is pretty tiny, but a new liner for her baby pail fit just fine. They are going hippie-baby and cloth diapering.  You can imagine how excited I am to meet this wee one (Rebs and I have been friends since second grade. I cannot believe little Bec is having her own baby!) and to strongly encourage the new parents to stick with their eco-ideals.

I’ve got several essays bouncing around my head that need photos and a bit more attention; this week started with jury duty and suddenly running an office sola. So, I am here. Just furiously trying to keep up with life.  More meaningful content coming soon, including a last CAOK push before Easter!

I hope you are all well!
