Growing up in Phoenix, I was spoiled by real estate. I grew up in a home with a walk-in closet in my bedroom. Our house had two nicely sized bathrooms and a double garage.

As an adult in the Denver area, I realize how much younger of a city Phoenix is. Homes here in the same socio-economic range often come with one bathroom, zero closets and a nice parking spot on the street. My new home does have a few closets but nothing significant. When organising my office, I realised how much paperwork I have. It’s crazy! Time to go paperless and use something like I think. Another thing that I did not like was my many tubs of art supplies hanging out for everyone to see. With this being said, I don’t help myself. Pretty much anytime I go to the store, if there are deals on stationary, I’m there. Who doesn’t like having office supplies for home? You can never have enough. I still need to organise everything in a better way though, so I can justify spending more money on supplies.

Before + After: Office

Hi! We previously lived in a closet where no one could see us, in all our plastic glory.

Before + After: Office

Nor the green drapes — although they did provide awesome shade. This space needed some organizational love, including sewing up some panels to hide the junk. At times I feel like I could have simply contacted local Junk Removal services to get rid of all these things that I’m desperately trying to hide. I don’t know why, but I always find a way to keep them, believing they might come in handy someday. Growing up, my mom used to do the same. Maybe I’m becoming like her!

Before + After: Office

Two yards of heavy canvas and 30 minutes of sewing later — voila. Hidden junk.

Before + After: Office

Before + After: Office

Also — Sue sent a lovely housewarming gift this week that she embroidered. I couldn’t bring myself to use the dishcloth in the kitchen, but it looks sweet here — along with the African chicken my friend Tina sent.

Before + After: Office

And my favorite Japanese print curtains in place. It’s starting to feel like home.
