I took yesterday off and spent most of the day on the couch. I went through my unwieldy Domestic Bliss folder and got myself organized in the recipe and pattern departments. It was a task I’d been meaning to do for a long time. Yesterday all I wanted to do was sit — so it worked out perfectly.
I also found a couple of patterns I’d been wanting to try. First, this triangulated zipper pouch tutorial from Craftster.

triangle zipper pouch, front

In theory, it is perfect. It gives depth to your pouch and the tutorial is well written. However, it is tiny. Next time I’ll double the dimensions to make this a more useful size.

bottom of triangle zipper pouch

I also tried that plastic fusing tutorial that’s been receiving rave reviews. It takes a bit of practice figuring out the right heat and timing, but the result is pretty cool. I’ve had a bag idea floating around my head for about a month and I plan on using this for the lining. I need to sit down with my journal and put my ideas into workable sketches.

On a completely different note, saw Lars and the Real Girl last night. I am torn on whether to recommend this movie; Ryan Gosling is so, so good. However, it is one of those movies that makes you incredibly uncomfortable to watch. I felt the same way watching Robin Williams in One Hour Photo. If you are a Ryan fan, I say go for it. If you are looking for an odd, off beat film that is sweet, it is worth the money. If peculiar films aren’t your thing — steer clear. Three out of five bananas, absoloodle.
