S+J's visit  -- Desert Botanical Gardens

Sarah and her little one Josiah are visiting for a few days. I am thoroughly loving having a 6-month-old to cuddle and kiss. He is such a sweet baby! Today we introduced him to the wild wild west with an eversohot tour of the Desert Botanical Gardens. We did so, logically, after first stuffing ourselves silly with carbs.

S+J's visit  -- Pancakes!

S+J's visit  -- mmmm...

Carbs, gardens and babies — that’s how I roll.

S+J's visit  -- Desert Botanical Gardens

S+J's visit  -- Desert Botanical Gardens

S+J's visit  -- Desert Botanical Gardens

S+J's visit  -- Desert Botanical Gardens

S+J's visit  -- Desert Botanical Gardens

S+J's visit  -- Desert Botanical Gardens

S+J's visit  -- Desert Botanical Gardens

I might also have tested the pair at every opportunity about their knowledge of desert life.

“Did you know, Sarah, that the saguaro can hold more than 1,000 gallons of water after a storm? Did you?!”


(I see photos like this and wonder how I have friends at all. Those are some bossy shorts I’m wearing.)

In truth, we had a great time at the gardens. I always learn something new and Sarah is a little in love with Arizona flora and fauna. This amuses me to no end. We had three hours of serious conversation about plants and neither of us grew bored. (Really, there is no wonder why we are friends.)

Also, she and the wee one are troopers. It was 106 today. They should get a refund and apology from the Arizona Department of Tourism.

Lemme hold that baby

S+J's visit  -- Desert Botanical Gardens

In the meantime, I’m plotting an escape to cooler climes for even more carbs. To be continued…
