Colorado flowers

I jetted away for the weekend to the Rockies for some downtime with my beloved friends Sheila and Charlie. They have the uncanny ability of reminding me that my life priorities and values are spot on.  We enjoyed hours outside on the porch reading, staring at the mountains, playing with the dogs, listening to the birds and predicting by the wind when the next storm would roll in.


Le Chock!

We also ventured to a farmer’s market that included a hilarious puppet show.  One man with a penchant for creole — Le Chock! — and fine German puppets. He plays hilarious music and attracts children in droves to watch his creatures dance and play. The market was full of all that I love about being in Colorado — healthy, happy people. Nearly every couple or stroller had a dog in tow. Fresh fruit stacked high on tables ready to be enjoyed warm from the mid-day sun. Crazy puppets, as a sign of the creativity and quirkiness that flourishes in such content communities.

Farmer's Market Tamales

Farmer's Market Tamales

And of course, amazing food. You can take a girl out of Arizona, but you can’t take the appetite out of the girl. We found a stand selling homemade Colombian tamales — wrapped in banana leaves. They were ohsogood.

Jess + Cody

Thankfully, I also had a chance to meet up with my grizzlyman of a brother for a quick meal on the way back to the airport. He has a smart, sweet and sarcastic new girlfriend who I really like.  Once again I find myself examining my life in Arizona, the life I’ve always known, with the possibilities of moving and starting fresh. I wish I had all of this family in my life on a weekly basis, not annual. I go back and forth on moving. There are so many things I love about the desert (including my current job) and yet there is a big world of opportunity waiting elsewhere.

One thing is certain: the best way to survive Phoenix in the summer is to escape.
