Palisade peaches are in season. Last September, during a visit my Dad said, “That is the best piece of fruit I’ve ever eaten!” He’s mentioned it several times since.

Peaches, people. My quiet father is still talking about peaches nearly a year later.

I’ve watched all summer as people stand in line at the local farmer’s market to pay $40 for a box of these golden beauties. My dad knows his fruit.

Peach jam

Peach jam

Peach jam

Peach Jam

What’s the best way to send your father in Texas peaches from Colorado? Booyah.

Peach Jam

Adding to the pantry shelves:

  • 2 quarts halved peaches
  • 7 jars stewed peaches
  • 7 jars peach jam

It is fun to watch this little pantry grow, holding on to the flavors of summer. I am dreaming of putting together beautiful baskets for Christmas with a variety of jams, pickles and sauces I’ve put up from the garden and market. One of these days I’ll get jam to set up properly! These are still a bit liquid-y. (Finny says it takes a lot of patience and practice. Gah.)

