I am returning to Arizona.

A return to the desert

Just two months after landing in New Jersey, I’m packing up the house again and heading west. No, we aren’t breaking up. No, I haven’t lost my mind. And no, this isn’t because New Jersey is a horrible place to live, or because I made some great mistake.

In fact, it is the first week of July and the windows are open. I’m listening to the morning rain fall. The garden is lush and happy.* Nelson is snoozing at my feet after having run himself ragged all morning outside chasing bunnies. My agenda for the day, other than packing a few boxes, includes going to the gym and cooking a new recipe for dinner. Life is pretty great, as is.

A return to the desert

I didn’t anticipate this move, or quite frankly I wouldn’t have bothered packing up my house in Colorado and paying to move it 3000 miles across the country. I also didn’t anticipate hearing from the Arizona job I’d turned down in May.

Was I sure I couldn’t accept?

Was I?

I had spent a lot of time thinking about that job. Moping, even.

A return to the desert

There was a lot of prayer and consideration that went into the decision. I am so thankful to have a partner who truly puts my happiness before his own. We will make this transition work, both with great careers we love.


*I am touched by how many friends who have heard the news immediately reacted with, “But what about your garden?!” Yes. What about that garden. Or year-long gym membership I already paid for. Or those concert tickets we purchased for late August.

The neighbors will benefit from the garden, as will D. The tomatoes should start next week, if Nelson can keep the bunnies away. As for the rest? It will all work out for the best.