The weekend menu has focused on foods at hand — gobs of tomatoes and basil from the garden, a basket of peaches from a friend and a basket of figs from another friend.

The transformation:

June garden harvest

June garden harvest

June garden harvest

June garden harvest

June garden harvest

Bruschetta with feta cheese on toasted whole wheat bread

June garden harvest

June garden harvest

June garden harvest

June garden harvest

Peach cobbler

June garden harvest

June garden harvest

IMG_4297June garden harvest

June garden harvest

June garden harvest

June garden harvest

June garden harvest

June garden harvest

And fig cobbler.

I know I don’t live in Italy or California, but when I eat this way — so satisfyingly seasonal — it makes me feel more alive. The food is bursting with flavor, not to mention how inexpensive and fun it is to go to the garden instead of the market to figure out what to prepare for the next meal. Minimizing the margin of culinary error by using fresh, homegrown produce makes too much sense.
