With the masses, I love Dooce. I appreciate her willingness to share the ugly and the beautiful of life. I cannot imagine the sheer number of hateful email she must receive on an hourly basis for living her life on the Internets so openly and honestly. (And please, whose life doesn’t include a bit of ugly from time to time? Show me that person. Even monks poop.)

Part of the reason I find myself returning again and again to her site is to see her daily style photo. I’m increasingly fascinated by the stuff people think help define them, and the objects they choose to surround themselves with to intentionally celebrate aesthetic and design. She does this so well and her objects are so varied — I’m always curious.

In turn, when I opened a giant box from Urban Outfitters last night to reveal my new jewelry tree, I pulled out the camera to capture its first decoration. I’ve long wanted one of these and when browsing a couple weeks ago, found several on the UO website I’d like to eventually display on a long, vintage bedroom bureau.


Blingy tree



Funny how when you display something in a new way, it can remind you of the meaning. While I pride myself on not having collections, my jumbles of bead necklaces and bangle bracelets are like stamps in my passport. Many of them come with a great adventure, while others were given with love.

I’ve been dreaming quite a bit lately about my next home — where it will be, what it will include, what I’ll plant in the garden, where the pups will sleep. (You know, the Great Dane and Bernese Mountain pup.) It’s fun to be in this wildly creative space, plotting and planning. I hope to include more photos of my style and aesthetic as life transitions to the next beautiful zip code and planting zone.
