Happy Easter!

Sisters in Spirit is a series of essays by a group of women who felt a spiritual perspective lacking from the steady stream of daily news.  They each agreed to carve space monthly on their blogs for a spiritual conversation.  The topic this month is: the new beginning of Easter.

I crave new beginnings. I think we all do, culturally. We love the story of a great turn-around. Those who took a closer look at their lives and decided to make sweeping changes for the better.

Think Robert Downey, Jr. Or, more superficially, Jennifer Hudson.

This is why we refuse to give up on those so in need of a new beginning. (Again, for the cultural references: Lindsay Lohan, Ted Haggard, Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong, Charlie Sheen.)

Something tells me that we would publicly applaud each of these current day pop culture villains if she/he were willing to make significant changes to regain honor. This also requires heaps of forgiveness and grace on the part of the public. Tiger can be forever faithful to his next wife, but it will be viewed with skepticism until we provide the forgiveness. Within this, a new beginning is born.

Jesus died to provide anyone willing to believe such forgiveness. Easter is a celebration of this sacrifice, and a symbolic reminder we have the ability to start new with each sunrise.

Easter is my favorite high holiday because it makes me feel so incredibly lucky to be loved by a God who will overlook my transgressions and provide a clean slate. I can be new, today. I can walk away from former errors and try to be a bit better, knowing full well when I trip again — there is even more grace to be had if I am willing to ask for it.

Such unconditional love is only found in a relationship with God.



I hope you continue this conversation by reading and commenting other perspectives on Christianity with my other Sisters in Spirit. Become part of the conversation:


Sarah is municipal attorney, mom to a toddler boy, and United Methodist’s pastor’s wife.  (She does not play the organ.)  She is a life-long Missouri girl with a heart for hospitality and social justice.  Sarah enjoys cooking, running, knitting and embroidery, reading, and playing in the sprinkler.  Sarah blogs at www.beautyschooldropout.net 


Bianca is a Navy wife from the great state of Texas (where she coincidentally currently resides), and she and her husband welcomed their first child in the fall of 2012. She has a passion for serving others, asking hard questions and sharing The Gospel with both her words and actions. Bianca loves Jesus, her hubs & her son, authentic friendships, traveling, making lists of all kinds, and trying new recipes which she blogs about on BecomingBianca.com