
Safe to say, I’m not having much sewing luck these days. While your pattern in One Yard Wonders is adorable and I can’t wait to make it, I’ve had nothing but trouble from the others we’ve so far selected for our monthly sew-along. This month’s Pampered Pooch project was no better.


Dharma, the family pooch, is always next to my mom. In this case, by the sewing table.

I read the pattern for the dog collar with two dogs in mind: Sydney — the super guest, and a new puppy friend — The Snows of Mount Kilimanjaro (Kili). I read the pattern. And then I read it again. And then one more time. Not only was I going to have to guess the length of their necks but I also had no luck finding an O ring at my sewing shops in town.

Happy in her environment

So I did what any logical seamstress would do. I took the project to Texas and asked my sewing mama for help. Now, I’m going to add the following details as background information — not simple bragging. My mother has won international sewing prizes for her quilts. She’s got more ribbons pinned to sewing projects than you can imagine. Some of these quilts have taken years (like her Dear Jane.) So a simple dog collar shouldn’t be Everest, or in this case — Kilimanjaro.

Sew Mama Sew!

Alas, even she threw in the towel after two hours of trying to make the instructions work. As you noted, this collar is a Martingale style. Most vets, pet salons, dog parks, etc., require quick release collars. So the shopping for supplies, the gorgeous orange Mozambican capulana I cut up for the fabric and the time trying to decode the pattern were a complete waste.

I see you had problems too. I also see you are far more motivated than I am and you turned these lemons into lemonade. (My mom and instead made margaritas.) I’ll have to give your pattern a whirl! Next month? I’m going to let you happily pick the sewing project. And I promise to do it and be happy about it. May I suggest the laptop sleeve? That looks simple enough. Or better yet — how about your trash bag?
