Mini and I went to hear Christopher Moore last night. My only regret was that I didn’t coordinate Finny’s latest visit for this talk; holy hell — is this author funny! (One of of Finny’s favorites too.)

Christopher Moore

Someone in the audience asked him, “Were you a stand-up comedian before you starting writing?”  He said he wasn’t. He intended to be a horror writer, but his characters just ended up being funny people. His latest book is set in Venice, with influences of both Edgar Allan Poe and Shakespeare. And of course, a lot of Italian history. So not only is the guy incredibly smart, but he can tell a story in a way that had everyone in the room snorting.

And then he took a lot of cracks at Arizona, including it being “A dry hate.” And the local chihuahuas participate in a “dry hump,” and most of these jokes do not translate on my little blog, but were hold-your-sides funny in person. It was a great night, and I’m so glad I got to go with Min, who truly loves CM.

Christopher Moore

If you haven’t read his stuff, start with Lamb. It is one of the funniest books I’ve ever read. Also — it was incredible to be at a venue with that many people clamoring to hear one of their favorite authors. LOVE IT!

