Garden Help

Those cute little seeds came from those even cuter plums, which came from Wyoming. Meaning they should grow here, right? 

One thing I miss dearly about Arizona is the 4 full gardening seasons available. Sure August is a pain, but the rosemary loves the heat. So do sunflowers. And cotton.

By contrast, within a few weeks, I’m fairly certain my garden will be dead and I will be without one of my favorite hobbies for months. I was charmed by this house for its tiny greenhouse out back; I’m just unsure of how to get started. And if there is one area where I’ve thrown away money on poorly researched hobbies — it’s gardening.

Garden Help

How do I make these succeed? Any tips?

So, Interwebs: what say you? Am I crazy for trying to grow in the winter in Golden? Do you have any resources for what I could be doing in that little greenhouse? Is there a gardening club you belong to in the Denver area? Am I to trust this guide? Halp. HALP!

Thank you,
