My friends Bill and Amanda will be married later this year. I adore this couple. Bill is by far the smartest person I’ve ever met; our group has a running joke about the ONE TIME someone was able to show him his encyclopedic memory was wrong. And Amanda has as sweet, gentle kindness that almost seems fake. She’s that nice.


We were recently out for breakfast. The waitress brought Amanda’s quesadilla and she looked at us like a kid at Christmas.

“Guys! How awesome is this?” Smiling ear to ear, we all looked at her tortilla and eggs, wondering if she saw a magical unicorn trotting by we were missing. “It looks so good!”

It was, simply, the best breakfast she’d ever had. She’s that excited about life. Her world view is rather refreshing.

So, when Bill and Amanda got engaged, I threw myself in the middle of their plans saying I’d make the chuppah. Of course I’d make the chuppah. I’ve made so many others before (zero) and totally know what is involved (not at all.) Fast forward six months and my mother’s visit to Denver, when my chuppah inspiration and pile of fabrics magically transformed (my mother travels via Unicorn. And damn, can that horse quilt.)

Bill + Amanda's Chuppah

Bill + Amanda's Chuppah

Bill + Amanda's Chuppah

The entire photo set can be seen here. This baby was created over 3 weeks, with 32 leaves (the bride’s lucky number), and handful of tiny silk and pearl flowers, some embroidery thread, and two pieces of fabric the bride’s mother sent me to incorporate in the project. A chuppah represents the home the couple will build together; my mother had the artistic sense to arrange these two pieces of fabric on the back to represent a home.

Bill + Amanda's Chuppah

See that amazing quilting? The leaves? All my mama.

Bill + Amanda's Chuppah

Bill + Amanda's Chuppah

I’m thrilled to hand it off to Banda (yeah, they created their own contraction) and to attend their lovely ceremony next month.

Also? Thanks Mom!
