Dear Kara,

Oh, the hilarity of this month’s fashion blog being layers and YOU WEARING SHORTS. THOSE ARE SHORTS. Mind you, cute shorts. BUT SHORTS.


{This is code for: KARA?!! — this is the first time in my life that I’ve ever been without tan lines. Ever. Maybe since birth. AND YOU ARE WEARING SHORTS IN FEBRUARY.}

Okay. I’m over it. Once upon a time, I gave up “shorts in February” for “not dying in August” and I’m not looking back. That said, layers in Denver look a bit different:


Kara, I am not wearing shorts with this outfit. In fact, it was so cold this day, I wish I had long johns. I still don’t, but I need a pair or four. Anyway — I included this layering photo because I am SO into scarves right now. Do you love them? I love them. And I buy them all. the. time. How great is this thrifted vintage one? Have you seen this video on the gazillion ways to wear a scarf? I have watched it far too many times. She is a true fashionista.


Again, scarf meets bottom layer. This scarf is more of a pashimina — a gift from my friend Mariah. I wear it all the time and love it. White shirt, scarf, jean jacket, skirt, boots, and voila — layers. I went to the movies downtown in this and the wind was blowing so hard I had purple fingers by the time I got inside, clutching the ticket. Come to find out, a scarf and flimsy jean jacket are not sufficient layers in February in Denver on a windy day.


But oh, this baby keeps me warm. Even though I own a red trench coat, when I put this on, I immediately felt like Mary Tyler Moore. Or Betty Draper. Or Jackie O. I adore this coat. Paired with a black dress for the symphony, a pair of jeans for happy hour, or over a pencil skirt for working a the coffee shop — the right layer is slimming and chic.

And so, my friend. Another nod to your shorts with tights and socks and boots. You are, as always, freaking adorable. But when you bring that gorgeous husband of yours for a visit? Make it mid-summer. And bring a coat.

