The Fabric by Fabric project for February is Barnaby Bear — which works out perfectly considering I’m off to southern California for some much needed time with one of my favorite families. Shep will hopefully love this. (Roscoe wants a My Little Pony and who am I to say no? More like, “HELL YES YOU WILL HAVE A PONY!”)

Barnaby Bear

Barnaby Bear

Anyway — the bear. If you haven’t yet done the project, you’ll need to use a tracing tool to cut out the arms and legs. Nothing drives me battier than tissue paper patterns, especially those that overlap. Then again, these were easy to trace, cut, sew and stuff.

Barnaby BearBarnaby BearBarnaby Bear

I am loving embroidery more and more. I want to take on an embroidered table cloth project, and then I look the stack of lovely linens I do own that are all ruined in one way or another. One friend poured candle wax at the end of a dinner party down the center of a table cloth. I’ve done everything I can to salvage it. Instead, I just place plates where the wanton wax clings. Another linen was ruined at the Valentine’s party when red wine pooled beneath a decanter.

Then again, I’d rather have great friends eating off crappy linens than the other way around.

Barnaby Bear

Barnaby’s cute face, by comparison, was a cake walk.

Barnaby Bear

Barnaby Bear

He’s a cutie. So is this one, Bearlo. 

{Rules to the sew-along: complete the pattern and post a photo to the Flickr pool. The publisher is providing prizes for me to send each month, so it is likely worth your effort. New project to be posted Thursday, March 1.}
