When I saw this tutorial on Noodlehead’s site, I knew I had to make an envelope clutch. Or 12. It is so similar in design to one of my most favorite handbags — and I have plans to change this pattern after I’ve mastered it to include a bamboo handle, which I love.

Envelope Clutch

Also — Noodlehead, aka: Anna? So kind. Truly a great pattern maker, and willing to answer questions when things go awry. I don’t buy many patterns online thanks to those shelves teeming with craft books, but I can’t recommend her site highly enough. Creative, smart, fun and she taught me a handful of new sewing skills.

Envelope Clutch

And really, that’s what made me so happy about this tutorial. I regret not taking home ec classes once upon a time. I’ve learned most of my sewing skills through trial and error. And error. And error. And oh, I need another seam ripper because this one is now dull.

Envelope Clutch

A great sewing tutorial makes me cheery. New skills! Such as: inserting a magnetic clasp and  inserting an internal zippered pocket.

Envelope Clutch

If only life situations came with tutorials! I am in what my mother would call “a growth phase,” during which I literally keep banging my head against walls.

Newsflash: change is hard.

Envelope Clutch

These fabric choices make me think of Miami and a picnic. Bright, cheery and a celebration of summer, I’m throwing myself at a creative project to think things through.

Sending this clutch as a CAOK to a colleague in Arkansas. More to come…
