Dear Finny,

You know how I was supposed to select a winner from our January CRAFT ALONG contest? Well, nearly impossible. I mean, did you see how cute these two are? How do you pick between them? And while we are in the hoodie department, um, he’s pretty darn cute too. I’m completely usless at selecting who wins when the entries are this great!

And if that wasn’t hard enough, the cookies! My goodness, the cookies. There is some serious food porn, great packaging and ones that nearly made me lick the screen. As well documented, my cookies flip flopped. They still tasted good, but they didn’t look anything like these. Wow.

So, the selected at random winner this time around is Ms. Sarah H! Bravo! And thank you all for your great submissions this month. I am writing this from a coffee shop and you have no idea how hungry I am suddenly for a giant plate of mouth watering lemon treats.

On to February — I’ve got some ideas. I know we said we’d consider posting two projects in different categories, but I’m already breaking the rules. There were two sewing projects posted on in January that are just so rad. I think we have to make them.

First, how great is this fabric bowl? And second, how useful is this wall pocket thingie? I’ve got great plans for the second — I’m going to transform it into a diaper changing caddy for one of my many prego friends.

To restate the rules of the great CRAFT ALONG 2009 challenge: anyone can play; select one or both of the month’s projects and post your photo in the Flickr pool to be included in the monthly winner drawing. Let us know what you think of the projects. Blog about it, talk about it on your photo post, email us. We love it.

Huh, Fin?

