Where we started

Find the space you are interested in gardening. Survey this for type of soil, etc. Is the soil horrible? Is there no soil — such as this space? Then consider starting on top of the existing ground.

Not sure what the ramp is for

Even this can produce.

Supplies gathered

Gather shredded paper, cardboard, coffee grounds and kitchen refuse.

Layer 1 of the lasagna garden

Layer 1 — cardboard. Cover your space with one layer of carboard

Layer 2

Layer 2: shredded paper

Layer 3

Layer 3: garden refuse — in this case left over palm fronds

Layer 4

Layer 4: coffee grounds. Ideally you want about 10,000 times what I was able to produce for this project today. We’ll be adding more. You can’t have too much.

Layer 5

Layer 5: Kitchen refuse. Granted, it is better if it is added as compost, but considering I am traveling tomorrow — I went through the pantry and fridge and got rid of everything that wasn’t going to be eaten in time. So, we’ve now got whole fruit and vegetables out there in the process of decaying. With 100+ degree heat, this shouldn’t take long.

Layer 6

Layer 6: Water.

Now we must add a considerable amount of soil. I’m going to buy as much manure as my little car will haul so we have a layer to actually plant. We’ll plant on top of this soil and water top down. Within a full growing season, ideally this will all decompose causing the compacted earth beneath it to become great, healthy soil.

Jalapenos set out to dry for seed

And so the salsa garden begins!

{These were placed in the sun to dry for their seeds, but I couldn’t help but note the humor.}
