CAOK 2013

CAOK — Calculated Acts of Kindness —  is a campaign set to make the world a bit kinder, organized each Lenten season. For 40 days, participants are asked to take an extra moment to do a kind act. This year, I’m encouraging anyone interested to do 13 acts of kindess — none of which require money, but all of which require your attention.

If you are interested in sharing your acts and finding other inspiration, post photos here.

CAOK 2013

So, yeah. There is a lot of nonsense in this world we cannot control. Jerks dominate the news feeds. Tragedies haunt each of our lives in some way. The world is starting to boil. What can we do?

Easily, we can toss up our hands, and toss back another drink, complaining how we cannot do a thing. Or, we can come together for 40 days to work to make our homes, communities, offices a bit better. Less litter. More compliments. Wide, sincere smiles. Doors held open. Warm cups of coffee provided without explanation. Prayers said quietly. Appreciation given loudly.

Will you join me? 13 acts of calculated kindess during the next 40 days. By Easter, we will have made the world a better place.

With love,
