Jen, hand quilting

When Jen asked last week when we could get together, I asked “crafting or dinner?” She responded, “Both,” and promised to bring her hand quilting project. (Stunning work. Truly. If I didn’t already know the girl was southern, I would have thought she was Amish.)

Kara would just have to join us too. I haven’t seen her in ages and the girl needed a creative break from her burdensome work/intern/school schedule.

(Of course, my sewing machine was also apparently invited to the dinner table.)

Dinner with the sewing machine

The menu included pesto pasta, proscuitto and melon, roasted Italian squash, and ice cream with berries for dessert.

Pesto pasta

Proscuitto + Melon

Squash nipple

I love the grassy, fresh taste of homemade pesto. The farmer’s market this time of year is drowning in basil. I wish I’d purchased more.

Kara even managed to get some sewing in, throwing together a “pencil pouch with a pocket for post-it notes.” Try saying that three times fast with a mouth full of proscuitto, prosecco and pesto. Perfecto!

Lovely Kara

Kara's pouch

With pockets for post it notes!

Time with the girls to craft, gossip and eat well was the therapy I needed after a nutty work week. Fueled with their laughter in my ears, this week promises to be far kinder.
