Music Zip

adventathon 054

So, I’m not making/baking everything I’m giving this year. While that would be lovely, it also leaves me scratching my head when it comes to gifts for men in particular. There are only so many beanies one brother can own.

I thought I’d share a few of the other creative gifts I have planned that do not require a sewing machine or spatula — but just a few minutes of thought.

adventathon 053

The beauty of these inexpensive drives is that the technology has increased in leaps and bounds. The first one I purchased in grad school was ten times the price for one-tenth of the memory. What will I do with these little drives? I’ll load them with photos and music to share. Music I’ve purchased that I am loaning, not illegally giving away that is…

Plus, talk about cheap shipping or the perfect stocking-stuffer!