Birthday girl

Yesterday was my Grandma Max’s 80th birthday. My dad flew in from Texas, I drove down from Phoenix and my aunt and uncle drove my grandparents in Tucson to McClintock’s for dinner. She was very surprised to see the two of us and thrilled with the attention.

The view

My dad and I met a few minutes early to catch up. We sat on the restaurant’s patio, sipping a glass of wine and enjoying the amazing desert view. I didn’t capture it well from this vantage, but the restaurant sits about 2500 feet above Tucson. As the sun set, the city began to glow. It was spectacular.



And the restaurant was simply fantastic. It’s in a fancy private development. You drive through a giant tunnel in a mountain and then 2.5 miles up a winding road (past a dozen homes designed to melt into the desert backdrop) to reach the restaurant. Of course on a Monday night, we had little competition for the staff’s attention. I cannot wait to go back. It was so luxurious and beautiful. The developers truly captured the spirit of the desert by planning buildings that blended with nature’s best.


Me + Papi

And of course there was the added bonus of time with my Papi. Can’t quite describe how much I adore this man — but more than the world might suffice.

Pap + Gram

the fam

There were many others who should have been at the table, including my Mom. Logistics kept the party small, but my grandma was tickled.


Espresso cheesecake


I know. I’m damn lucky.
