
Hand towel + fat quarter trim + grommet = golf towels for the boys.


Yesterday at church, we sang “You are my sunshine.”  It was an unconventional sermon, but one that I’ll likely always remember. Among other noteworthy pieces, included a reminder that saying “I love you” to those we adore should be a daily ritual. The minister stressed that some people have a hard time saying those words. That they don’t come easily, but mean so much.

{This is not my problem, dear little blog. I love. I love openly and I love many. I have no problem telling people, often to their discomfort. Also, I pretty much love forever. Romantic or platonic, if I love you — chances are you’ve heard about it.}

When I was young, I had a tiny yellow lion that was a music box. You’d wind up his back and his head would rotate to the song “You are my sunshine.” I probably listened to that little ditty 10,000 times by the time the lion was passed along to my little brother. The song has always made me smile. It’s sweet, sentimental and simple.

Of my greatest blessings is this church — to be reminded weekly that we are all sunshine, and that really love is the meaning.
